Today, we are excited to announce the Illustrated Ministry Video Contest!
Over 145 people have purchased our Illustrated Earth curriculum, and over 175 orders came in for our Illustrated Earth posters. We’ve seen some of the photos you’ve all been sharing, and we are so excited that both the posters and the curriculum have been received so well. But we know there are many others out there who have yet to share about their experiences with our products, whether they are using our new Illustrated Earth resources, or they used something from Lent or Advent.
We are also interested in creating some Illustrated Ministry videos through crowdsourcing, and we thought it might make it more fun to turn it into a video contest. And here’s where you come in!
Make a Video!

We are asking churches (or camps or campus ministries or anyone, really) to submit a short video (no longer than two minutes) showing how they have used (or are using) materials from Illustrated Ministry in their communities and talking about the experience. This means we want to see photos or videos of children/youth/adults, whether they’re coloring or using the curriculum or connecting with our materials in another way.
And we’d like people – whether that’s your pastor(s), Christian Education director, parents or kids – to talk about how they’ve enjoyed using the materials or to share any fun experiences that have come out of using our products. More specific details are below – but that’s about it. We’re asking for a video that’s two minutes (no longer) and shows us how you’re using our materials and what you think about them.
If you think this sounds like fun, but you don’t have any experience putting videos together, please do not worry. I bet there are a couple junior high or high school students who could help you complete a project like this in an afternoon.
If you think this sounds like fun, but you don’t have any professional video equipment, please do not worry. High-quality videos can easily be shot on an iPhone (I made this video with just my iPhone 5S and a tripod). All you need is an iPhone and some decent lighting.
All entries need to be submitted by July 31st, and we’ll announce a winner a week later, after we’ve had a chance to go through the entries.
We’ll put together a compilation video of all the entries after we’ve announced the winner and share the video with everyone as well.
But wait…what will I win?
We will pick 1 (ONE) winner for the most creative video, and then we will pick 2 (TWO) runners up. The winner of the Illustrated Ministry Video Contest will receive a FREE set of our coloring posters for Advent this year (no we haven’t shared what we’re making for Advent yet – but trust us – you’ll love them!). When you consider the cost of shipping the posters, this giveaway is worth almost $100, and so we hope you’ll consider taking part in it. The two runners up will receive promo codes for 25% off our Advent materials for this year.
If you have any specific questions, please leave a comment below, but make sure to read all of the details below.
Help us continue to get the word out about Illustrated Ministry and have fun creating something at the same time! Now get out there and start filming!
Important Details
- Videos will be accepted from today until July 31.
- Videos should be HD quality (minimum 720p) – iPhones work fine
- Videos should be shot in LANDSCAPE orientation – not portrait. So make sure to hold your phone horizontally to get a video that will fill up the whole screen. If you don’t know what I mean, please check out this article: An Important PSA On Why You Should Never Shoot Videos Vertically.
- Videos must be uploaded to YouTube and have the hashtag #illustratedcm in the TITLE of the video (this is how we will search YouTube for the videos).
- Fill out the form below to make sure that we see your video.
- We will make a compilation video of many of your submitted videos, so please make sure that you have the permission of people in the video.
- Your videos will never be sold by Illustrated Ministry in any way to anyone.
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