Inspiring gratitude in children is a huge gift we can give them. Throughout the Bible, we read verse after verse describing and encouraging the practice of gratitude. And now, there is research backing up the wisdom that’s flowed from these scriptures since their penning. Effects of Gratitude on Our Health Dr. Emmons, professor of psychology […]
Creative and Engaging Advent Devotions & Activities for Families
This is the first truly “family friendly” devotional for Advent that I’ve found. There was something to which everyone in the family could relate – from our preschoolers all the way through adults. The coloring pages were wonderful! Even my little two-year-old was able to participate. My kindergartner read the devotional book as part of […]
The Jesus Storybook Bible: A Review
The Jesus Storybook Bible is one of so many children’s Bibles. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the variety and unsure which is best for your bookshelf. So, here at ICM, we’ve compiled our thoughts in this blog series where we’ll be reviewing some of today’s most popular children’s Bibles. Once you find your fave children’s Bible, […]